
Saturday, November 26, 2011

NBA season now on track

"finally", says Dwyane Wade as the League has come to a new Collective Bargaining Agreement resulting for the 149-day NBA lock out to finally see its happily-ever-after. Stern and Hunter met privately to end this lock out once-and-for-all and start playing basketball. :) LET'S START PLAYING BALL!

Monday, November 21, 2011

still no niche

I still don't know what niche will my blog be focusing on (under stuff). There's plenty of things that i would like to write about. I need time to figure stuff up before i can really start to make this blog big. :)

A BRAVE smile

In life, you don’t really know what will happen. You just anticipate for the worse and hope for the best. But even of tons of prevention, preparation and anticipation for the worse, you still can’t be ready for everything.

Life is full of surprises, good one and bad ones. Either way, life give you these gifts in the moment that you least expect. I for one expect a different undertaking than the one that im experiencing right now. I was really hopeful that this year, everything will be alright- things back to normal so to speak. But I was wrong. Faith took to a bitter turn and all hopes of a better tomorrow crashed before my very eyes. My soul tumbled down. I was closed to bursting into tears but didn’t exactly cry because I need to be strong and brave for those who look up to me and need me. I was putting what you may call a “brave smile”. A smile that everybody thought that was a sign of happiness. What they don’t know is it was a mask to hide my sorrows.

The greatest thing that I learned through my life is that only the weak surrenders. No matter how hard life will be, no matter how things turn against you, there is always a rainbow after the rain. And in that rainbow is a pot of gold waiting to be seen. I know everything’s going to be alright. And I know that the All Mighty One has plans for us. And all of this is just him telling us to be brave- brave enough to cross the rainbow to get that pot of gold. I know that this is all a part of one big plan. All things will coincide with one another eventually. The problem now is how to survive until you get the courage to cross that rainbow. In that’s when you need someone. J

Sunday, November 20, 2011

My very 1st post.

My very first post here. haha I decide to renew by self and start writing (i wrote before).. I don't know why but i found a love for writing, AGAIN. I'm not that good of a writer but i would love to learn how. Well the 1st step of learning is knowing that you're not good enough. J

fortuna secunda J